Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where did you come from?

I hadn't looked at "Shoot me in the Face" for a while, but a writing job has presented itself and I want that job more than Headline News wants the Casey Anthony case to go on forever. Seeing the job posting made me realize that it's not so much that job that I want (holy crap do I want that job), but I want to write.

I used to be a regular at an open mic in Mesa at which I performed my satirical form of yelled word (spoken word doesn't really do it justice as I was bereft of a beret and bongo drum). The host of said open mic and I would talk from time to time and when I told him I was getting married he warned me to not forget my writing and that when he started a family that his writing stopped altogether and only came back years later.

I did pretty well after being married, but when Abraham came to us my writing all but stopped. It was hard to find a quiet time when I wasn't completely exhausted in which I could put pen to paper. I also used to just pickup my notebook and drive until I found a good place to write. For me, writing is a dedicated process and it's difficult, if not impossible to get back on my jumbled curvy line of logic if I am distracted or torn away for too long.

I have discussed this with the wife and we agree that I should be writing more and she will help me in finding dedicated time in which I can put in headphones and concentrate. That being said, I renewed my Pandora subscription. Music has always helped me write. Something about the rhythm, if I hear a good song, my keystrokes align themselves with the beat and words poor out like the insane blabberings of a sidewalk hobo. On a side note, Tom Petty's Wildflowers is the best album I have found to have on while writing (I wish I knew why, but give it a shot).

So here is to you, the 7 people following this blog that magically appeared, my new initiative to write. While I hope you enjoy it, let's be honest, this is for me; so if you don't like it you can always go here.

1 comment:

Inspector Clouseau said...

Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the blue Nav Bar located at the top of my site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.